

Welcome to AoG PvP TRIOs x15

Server Info: All Plattforms 

Servername: AoG-15x-2/7-Modded-NoWipe-Ger/Eng

Tribe Limit: 3 Members

Maps & Slots:
Island Map: 42 Slots
Center: by release

Server Settings:

EXP: x15
Farming: x15
Taming: x15
Maturation: x100
Hatching: x15

Server Mods:
Arkomatic Ark
Cryo Storage
Super Spyglass Plus
Solo Farm Mod 
 Admin Panel 
Utilities Plus 
Custom Dino Levels, Dino+
Crafting Skill Potion
PvP Scoreboard,
The Dino Finder
 Super Structures Ascended 
Automated Server Economy

Disabled Dinos: Manta, Pego, Itchy, Electrovorus

Dino Levels:

Max Level for Wild Dinos: 150
Max Level for Wild Tek Dinos: 180
Max Level for Wild Wyverns: 190

Support available via Ticket Bot

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